
Discussions on ECS behave very much like a mailing list – one can send email to community’s email address, and the message will be distributed to all community members, while ECS will record the message in the community archive. One also has the option to create and send a message through ECS web site.

To see current discussions in a community, click on discussions tab. (If discussions tab is not visible, it means that a community does not have discussions enabled). The page that appears lists current discussion topics ordered by time of the latest contribution, with most recently active topic on top. Each topic shows how many contributions there are and lists the names of all contributors. Click on the topic title to see the discussion content.

Each discussion topic starts with a single message followed by a number of replies.

To contribute to a discussion, click on reply below the message you wish to reply to. To start a new topic, click on start discussion link above the topic list.

To contribute to a discussion via email, respond to the notification email you have received. Please note that your reply will be distributed to all community members.

To start a new discussion via email, send an email message to community_name@communities.cc. Community email address is listed on the community home page.

Discussion Archive

Discussion threads can become obsolete, or maybe a community leader prefers to remove threads no longer of interest to current community focus. Archived discussions are shown in a separate list from active discussion threads

To view archived discussions, click on Archived content selector in the feature details bar.

To archive a discussion, select Archive from the context menu.

To restore an archived discussion, select Restore from the context menu.