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Welcome to "Nepalese New Yorker on ending HIV" community group.

New York State (NYS) HIV/AIDS annual surveillance reported on cases diagnosed as of December 2016. In below, New York City (NYC) borough breakdown reports respectively from the Table “18 A”, “18 B” and “18 C”.

“18 A”. Persons Living with Diagnosed HIV Infection as of December 2016.

HIV Non-AIDS: [Bronx: 9,844 Brooklyn: 10,048 Manhattan: 11,657 Queens: 6,413 State Island: 795]

AIDS: [Bronx: 14,873 Brooklyn: 13,409 Manhattan: 12,181 Queens: 7,626 State Island: 1,188]

HIV and AIDS: [Bronx: 24,717 Brooklyn: 23,457 Manhattan: 23,838 Queens: 14,039 State Island: 1,983]

“18 B”. New Diagnoses of HIV and AIDS, 2016 and Cumulative AIDS Diagnoses through December 2016.

HIV Diagnoses: [Bronx: 526 Brooklyn: 596 Manhattan: 465 Queens: 467 State Island: 62]

AIDS Diagnoses: [Bronx: 314 Brooklyn: 333 Manhattan: 237 Queens: 218 State Island: 31]

Cumulative AIDS Diagnoses: [Bronx: 36,575 Brooklyn: 44,880 Manhattan: 55,289 Queens: 23,821 State Island: 3,356]

“18 C”. Deaths of Persons with Diagnosed HIV or AIDS, 2016.

HIV Non-AIDS: [Bronx: 76 Brooklyn: 60 Manhattan: 58 Queens: 24 State Island: 7]

AIDS: [Bronx: 389 Brooklyn: 314 Manhattan: 254 Queens: 140 State Island: 45]

HIV and AIDS: [Bronx: 465 Brooklyn: 374 Manhattan: 312 Queens: 164 Staten Island: 52].

In NYC, an approximate 50,000 are Nepalese New Yorker and their is zero engagement and involvement of Nepalese Society on ending the HIV and AIDS in NYS. Therefore, on January 9th 2018, as the Young individual living with HIV, first Facebook closed-group was created with a main objective to empower, engage of Nepalese New Yorker Society by 2030 to support on ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in NYS. This community also endorsed on Governor of New York, Andrew Mark Cuomo "AIDS blue print plan", which detailed three-point plan to move us closer to the end of the AIDS epidemic in NYS.

The plan includes identifying all persons with HIV who remain undiagnosed and linking them to health care; linking and retaining persons diagnosed with HIV in health care and getting them on anti-retroviral therapy to maximize HIV viral suppression, so they remain healthy and prevent further transmission; and providing access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to persons who engage in high-risk behaviors to keep them HIV negative.

This page does not represent any democratic, republican or other political party.

Thank you !

  • Nepalese New Yorker on ending HIV

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Reference: New York State HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Report. [online] Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology, AIDS Institute. Available at [Accessed 26 January. 2018]