The government of Tanzania has increased and improved investments in data systems and data use to strengthen their ability to make evidence-based decisions. The government is strengthening collection, analysis, dissemination and use of quality data for evidence-based decision making to inform government policy and programs development, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation.
Despite all these efforts, issues on capacity, skills and motivation for analysis, visualization, interpretation, dissemination and use of data are still a challenge.
This community was created to provide a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge among practitioners who seek to develop and expand the capacities and use of data for improved health systems and health outcomes in Tanzania.
Data Use Community is for practitioners active in promoting demand for and use of data for decision making in the health sector.
The data use community objectives are pursued through face-to-face meetings on bi-annual basis, online discussions and regular national-level data dissemination meetings, where information products and data are presented, policy implications discussed, and next steps planned for feeding these data and information products into policy debates and decision making.
In addition, we organize regular webinars to discuss data use best practices and tools by inviting guest experts and providing an opportunity to learn and practice data use approaches.